Protection of privacy
The Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission ("CEA") collects and processes your personal data ("Data") in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR. The CEA has appointed a Data Protection Officer who is authorized to deal with all issues relating to the protection of personal data. You can contact him at the following coordinates:
The CEA keeps your data confidential and does not transmit them to unauthorized third parties. The CEA keeps your Data for the duration necessary for the purposes described above within the limits of legal, contractual, fiscal and social obligations and for the defense of its legitimate interests.
You have rights to your Data. Within the limits set by the Data Protection Regulations, especially articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR, and having justified your identity, you have the right to (1) ask us for access to the personal data you concerning, (2) the rectification or (3) erasure thereof or (4) the limitation of treatment. If the treatment is based on your consent, you may withdraw that consent without jeopardizing the lawfulness of the consent-based treatment prior to the withdrawal.
In order to exercise these rights you can contact our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Any request that is unreasonable under the laws and regulations may be rejected.
We remind you that you can enter the "Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés" directly on the website or by mail to the following address: National Commission of the IT and Freedoms, 3 Place Fontenoy - TSA 80715, 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.
Access to administrative documents
In accordance with Decree No. 2005-1755, the following person at the CEA is in charge of access rights to administrative documents and dealing with questions on reusing public information:
Directrice juridique et du contentieux
Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives
Siège - Centre d'études de Saclay - 91191 Gif-sur-yvette cedex
Tel.: (33) 01 64 50 21 43 / Fax: (33) 01 64 50 12 15