Project Structure
Published on 10 November 2017
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The ReSiELP project is based on five WPs including the feasibility study and management.

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The ReSiELP technologies development is supported by the simultaneous establishment of a long-term strategy including the ReSiELP business plan and IPR management to bring the technology to TRL7 and bring to the market new material.
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The Go-to-market strategy that will be define during the project will be focus on three KERs (Key Exploitable Results):
- KER1: Realization of a zero-waste TRL 7 plant for the recycling of PV solar panels,
- KER2: Intellectual property (know-how / patent) for the applicable purification process of silicon waste from end-of-life PV-panels for producing solar-grade silicon at TRL 7,
- KER3: Eco-sustainable mortars/concretes and building prefab components based on glass fractions from EOL PV-panels.
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